Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Marketing Creates Customer Needs Essay Example for Free
Promoting Creates Customer Needs Essay Promoting makes client needs. The accompanying paper will clarify how shoppers are made not conceived. Advertising allures clients to attempt new items or do new things that they may never have thought of. Corporate greed is wherever you turn. From the polished promotions, pop ups on their PC screen, announcements, messages, tweets, radio, TV, phone salespeople, and so forth. You canââ¬â¢t escape from publicizing any place you go. The advertisers would not be proceeding in the event that it was not all that fruitful in getting individuals to purchase a greater amount of what they are selling. The accompanying passages will give instances of fruitful promoting commercial battles and how they were powerful. As indicated by Forbes, for promoting to be viable it should be: essential, interface with the customer by conveying an individual significant message that reveals to them how their item would make their life a superior spot, represent values past the item itself, and be complicatedly attached to the brand not to be mistaken for the contender. (Greewald, 2014). The article gives a few instances of effective advertisement battles. To begin with, the Red Bull gives you wings crusade. The advertisements are helpful telling customers in the event that you utilize our item you will improve from concentrating to carrying out your responsibility better. It engages individuals and gets them to identify with the item. Next, the Beats Dr. Dre promoting effort. The notices tell the buyer that by wearing these earphones you will have the option to beat your faultfinders and be engaged to trust in yourself. They delineate competitor Kevin Garnett shutting out his faultfinders and permitting him to concentrate on positive considerations and the music he adores. The two commercials interface with the customer on a mental level. They center around you identifying with our necessities to improve and discovering enormity in ourselves. It is the thing that the greater part of usâ tell ourselves consistently donââ¬â¢t tune in to the individuals that are ou r faultfinders and have faith in yourself. Discover significance and have confidence in yourself sounds progressively like an inspirational orator anyway it attempts to interface the purchaser to the item. As indicated by Forbes the two crusades met all the viewpoints to be compelling. Both these items are a bit much for people to endure. The two items are viewed as a need not a need. The sponsors have persuaded understudies far and wide to drink Red Bull since it will assist you with concentrating more and be fruitful. We as a whole made due before without these items. They have effectively changed the outlook of shoppers who presently accept the contrary that they now canââ¬â¢t make due without them. One of the best advertising efforts has been Applesââ¬â¢ I Phones. Many individuals remain in line when their most current item opens up. Wherever you look individuals have an I Phone. It is an indication of height to have the cutting edge innovation which incorporates the best in class that Apple brings to the table. It has become a thing people canââ¬â¢t live without. I lost my I telephone for 24 hours and thought I would have an uneasiness assault. All my own data, contacts, bank card data is all in the one little telephone. I canââ¬â¢t recall any of my significant telephone numbers any longer since I donââ¬â¢t need to â⬠they are all in the telephone. They have made it fundamental in our everyday living. This is a definitive in showcasing and deals of an item. I lived 36 years while never having a wireless and endure fine and dandy. Presently I see multi year olds with I telephones calling their companions and tweeting! Promoting gives an incentive to business in that it helps exhibit their items and connect with customers in buying them. The incentive to society is that a portion of these items may make our lives simpler and we can profit by them. All in all, I accept that showcasing makes a need we didnââ¬â¢t know existed until they demonstrated us their fantastic items. They interface with us, cause us to accept that what they are offering will improve our lives and are vital for our reality. I concur that advertisers urge buyers to go through cash they don't have on superfluous things. Such a significant number of Americans have charge card obligation. The normal American family unit has about $7000 of charge card obligation as of December 2013. (Charge card Debt Statistics, 2013). We keep on burning through cash on things we donââ¬â¢t truly need with cash we donââ¬â¢t have. It is an endless loop for some Americans that leave them broke and in certain examples destitute. References: Mastercard Debt Statistics. (2013). Charge card Debt Statistics. Cash related arranging/obligation solidification/charge card obligation insights). Greewald, M. (2014, July 10). Mysteries of 7 of the Most Effective Ad Campaigns. insights of-7-of-the-best advertisement crusades/
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lord of The Flies The Evil ; Primitivism in Man Essay Example For Students
Master of The Flies: The Evil ; Primitivism in Man Essay In the story Lord of the Flies Ralph, the fair character, and Jack,the tyrant are the most significant fundamental characters. Ralph is the voice of hopeon the island, and without that, the young men would have gone to brutality muchfaster, and heavily influenced by Jack. William Golding utilizes Ralph and hischaracter foil, Jack, to show how human progress works and how it doesnt. Jack,the head of the trackers, speaks to the concealed human enthusiasm and nearly animalcruelty, and Ralph, who speaks to human good judgment to show how civlization is. This story is a moral story. This implies the character, occasions and settingrepresent more profound facts or speculations then those recommended by the surfacestory. There are four principle characters, and each character speaks to differenttypes of individuals on the planet. Jack is the tyrant who uses power to show histhoughts and emotions. Thusly he is the damaging side of man. He is thetype of individual who would prefer to have a ton of fun and delight over work. On theother hand Ralph is the devotee to popular government and decency. He is the voice ofhope, and the capable sort of individual. The young men on the island, allegoricallyshow what the human development resembles. Ralph represents request and lead of society. Every part starts withorder, which implies that Ralph has control. Ralph utilizes the conch to show orderand the option to talk. Before the finish of every section there is no structure and thereis generally disorder, this shows malicious or potentially dread has control, which means Jack hascontrol. Figuratively on the planet it would be an authoritative government versusa military kind of government. Where Ralph is the authoritative and Jack ismilitary. The turmoil brought about by Jack, compromises the island and the societythat Ralph has made a decent attempt to frame. Ralph needs to have a fire, so they canbe protected, however Jack is progressively stressed over having some good times at that point being safeguarded andthis is a significant clash. The fire is an image for expectation and edification, butwhen it gains out of power it turns out to be exceptionally dangerous. Anything without orderand control can get dangerous, this is the reason Ralph is so critical to thesociety. The two character foils, Ralph and Jack, have various thoughts and wantdifferent things. Ralph needs cabins and a sign fire. The cabins which stand forcivilization and the sign fire is expected to get saved. This shows thatRalph makes and assembles. On the far edge of that is Jack. Jack needs tohunt and slaughter pigs and have a great time. This shows primitivism. Jack is appeared as aperson who murders and demolishes. Here is the contention; making and buildingversus executing and pulverizing. Ralph asks Jack what he needs: Dont you wantto be protected? All you talk about is pig, pig, pig! Also, Jack answers him andtells him what he needs: But we need meat! This reveals to us that Ralph and Jackwill not settle their disparities. Directly from the beginning solidarity of society isthreatened by the various reasons for the young men. Ralph was never alright with primitivism, yet Jack rather appreciated it. Ralph contemplates internally: He might want to have a shower, an appropriate flounder withsoap and concluded that a toothbrush would prove to be useful as well. Ralph resistsprimitivism unequivocally yet is still sucked into it. Despite the fact that he resistsprimitivism, he despite everything went on a pig chase and when he gets a wound at the pig, hebecomes glad for himself, and winds up getting a charge out of the chase without question. Thisshows that each human has a malevolent side. Indeed, even Ralph, who is the one whoabsolutely loathes primitivism. The dead pilot in the tree proposes that humanshave de-advanced, gone in reverse in development. Ralph cries: If just they couldsend a message to us a sign or something. The dead pilot was the sign thatthe genuine world isnt doing any better then they were doing on the island. .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .postImageUrl , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:visited , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:active { border:0!important; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:active , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover { darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u42b5b2b5b2 9e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Karl Marx (1881 words) EssayJack items to doing things that Ralph advises the entire gathering of theboys to do, too he articles to Ralphs being boss. Ralph still accepts inthe conch, and thinks it despite everything holds some request: Jack! Jack! You havent gotthe conch! Allow me to talk. Again Ralph alludes to the standards: The rules!shouted Ralph, youre disrupting the norms!' Jack answers with: Who cares?His answer is short and cutting. When Jack says this, the peruser knows thatthere is no turning around. The discussion proceeds: Because the standards arethe just thing weve got! Furthermore, to end the contention about standards, Jack says: Bollocks to the guidelines! Jack at that point fights to utilizing the conch: Conch!Conch! yelled Jack, we dont need the conch any longer.' Ralph later thinks tohimself: The world, that justifiable and legal world, was slippingawayThe strife among them, which was additionally brought about by differentviews on the presence of a monster, come full circle when Jack chooses to isolate fromRalph. At the point when the gatherings isolated, neither of them benefit from it, just Ralph andPiggy understand this. Ralphs bunch isn't sufficiently large to keep the sign firegoing, and Jack and the trackers don't have Piggys glasses to make their ownfire, to broil their pigs. Since the vast majority of the young men have lost the need forcivilization and the expectation of being protected, Ralph has lost control of them. They presently dread the brute, and Jack tells the young men that in the event that they are trackers theycan shield themselves from the mammoth. So now Jack oversees the majority of theboys. Ralph loses trust: Im scared. Of us. I need to return home. O god Iwant to return home. Be that as it may, Piggy was there to get him out of his droop for a piece. Yet, when Piggy is executed, Ralph is powerless and edgy. He is separated from everyone else and itseems that Ralphs presence of mind has completely been vanquished. There is a running topic in William Goldings Lord of the Flies. Man issavage on a basic level, this is appeared by Ralph in the pig chase, and continually ultimatelyreverting back to a malevolent and crude nature. This is completely appeared by Jack andhis gathering of trackers when they have the pig moves, the pigs head as ascarifices and, to wrap things up, they transform into a gathering of savages. Ralph and his sound judgment stays nearly the equivalent all through the book,its Jack and his trackers who change. To end, heres a statement from DavidAndersons work entitled Nostaldia for the Primates:In this book Golding prevails with regards to giving persuading structure to whichexists somewhere down in our mindfulness. By the aptitude of his composition, hetakes the peruser bit by bit along the equivalent backward course asthat crossed by the young men on the island Our first response arethose of acculturated individuals. Be that as it may, as the story proceeds, we findourselves being up to speed in the excitement of the chase and the exhilarat-particle of butcher and blood and the entire essential sentiment of theisland and the ocean The support of Goldings proposal comes not fromthe fanciful occasions on the island yet from the truth of the readersresponse to them. Our brains go to the shock of our century the butcher of the main war , the inhumane imprisonments and nuclear bombs of the second and we understand that Golding has compelledus to recognize that there is in every one of us a shrouded break whichhorrifyingly announces our complicity in torment and murder Classification: English
Monday, August 17, 2020
Benzodiazepines Uses, Indications, and Side Effects
Benzodiazepines Uses, Indications, and Side Effects June 24, 2019 skhoward/ E/Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs known as central nervous system depressants that are used to treat a variety of mood disorders and other health conditions, including seizures, insomnia, and alcohol withdrawal. While theyre effective in treating these conditions for a short time, benzodiazepines may cause frustrating side effects like drowsiness, loss of libido, and lack of coordination. Long-term use can lead to adverse behavioral symptoms and drug dependence. How They Work Benzodiazepines, also known as benzos, downers, nerve pills, and tranks, work by enhancing your brains response to a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which reduces the excitability of nerve signals in your brain and slows it down, leading to the relaxation of certain physiological and emotional responses. This results in a calming, tranquilizing feeling. Uses Benzodiazepines have properties that make them useful in treating a number of health conditions. They can act as a muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant and also have sedative (relaxing), hypnotic (sleep-inducing), and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. Some of their indications for use include: Alcohol withdrawal symptoms, particularly agitation and anxiety, may sometimes be relieved with a short-term course of benzodiazepines, although the response can vary from person to person. Because of the risk of drug dependence, they are usually prescribed for no longer than a couple of weeks.Certain types of epileptic seizures can sometimes be effectively controlled with Klonopin, Valium, or Ativan. Klonopin offers stronger anticonvulsant action, Valium works faster, and Ativan has a longer duration of action.Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and other anxiety disorders can be treated with benzodiazepines, although they are less effective in achieving long-term control. As such, they shouldnt be used for longer than two to four weeks due to the risk of dependence.Insomnia can be alleviated over the short term with benzodiazepines but may result in rebound insomnia if theyre overused. Long-term use should be strictly avoided.Panic disorder may be effectively treated with benzodiaze pines as they can alleviate anxiety symptoms much faster than antidepressants, an important factor for those who experience severe or debilitating panic attacks Other uses include the inducement of calm before surgery or a medical procedure and the treatment of muscle spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and abnormal sleep patterns. Types Benzos come in different formulations. Some are short-acting, some are long-acting, and they vary in potency. The most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines and the conditions theyre typically prescribed to treat include: Xanax (alprazolam) treats anxiety disorders and panic disorder, and sometimes agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), depression, and premenstrual syndrome.Klonopin (clonazepam) treats panic attacks and seizures.Valium (diazepam) is used to treat anxiety, seizures, muscle spasms, and alcohol withdrawal, as well as IBS and panic attacks.Ativan (lorazepam) is primarily prescribed for anxiety, but may also be used for seizures, IBS, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, and to help nausea and vomiting in people receiving cancer treatments.Halcion (triazolam) is used as a short-term treatment for insomnia. Other benzodiazepines and the conditions theyre typically prescribed to treat include: Restoril (temazepam), estazolam, and flurazepam are short-term treatments for insomnia.Versed (midazolam) is typically used in children before medical procedures or surgery.Librium (chlordiazepoxide) treats anxiety and alcohol withdrawal, as well as IBS.Tranxene (clorazepate) is used for anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and along with other medications to control seizures.Oxazepam treats anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and IBS. Common Side Effects Most of the side effects of benzodiazepines are related to the depressant effect the drug has on your central nervous system. Common side effects depend on the medication youre using, but in general, they include: ConstipationConfusionDepressionDiarrheaDrowsinessDry mouthErectile dysfunctionFatigueHeadacheImpaired motor skills and coordinationIrritabilityLoss of appetite or increased appetiteLow libidoMuscle weaknessShort-term memory loss and impaired cognition Long-Term Side Effects Long-term use of benzodiazepines may trigger a worsening of side effects and, in some cases, paradoxical side effects, meaning that you may experience an opposite response to the drug than you previously had. Some of these side effects can adversely affect your mood and behavior, causing an altered perception of yourself, your environment, or your relationships. Long-term side effects may include: Acute anxietyAgoraphobia (the fear of open or public spaces)Anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure)DepressionInability to think cohesivelyLoss of libidoSocial phobias Dependence and Withdrawal Benzodiazepines are a schedule IV medication due to their risk of physical and psychological addiction. As such, they are usually prescribed for no more than two to four weeks. When theyre taken for longer periods, benzodiazepines can lead to tolerance and dependence, meaning that your body will require more of the drug to achieve the same therapeutic effect. This can lead to abuse and/or dependence. Abuse of these drugs is the highest in people who also use heroin or cocaine. If you use any of these drugs for too long, you can experience symptoms of withdrawal if you suddenly stop. Dont ever stop taking a benzodiazepine without talking to your doctor first. Your dosage will be gradually tapered off to minimize some of the more profound symptoms of withdrawal, including: Abdominal crampsAn altered sense of realityConfusion and disorientationDepressionHallucinationsIncreased sensitivity to light, pain, and/or soundInsomniaIrritabilityMuscle crampsNausea and vomitingNervousnessParanoiaProfuse sweatingSeizures and convulsionsTachycardia (rapid heart rate)Tingling, burning, or skin-crawling sensationsTremor Interactions Not only can they cause dependence, but there are also many substances that can interact with benzodiazepines and cause accidental overdose or even death. Alcohol and opioid pain relievers, both of which also act as central nervous system depressants, can greatly magnify the effect of benzodiazepines. Together, these drugs may slow your respiration and heart function to a point where they may altogether stop. Because of this potentially life-threatening result, benzodiazepines should not be taken with alcohol, opioid drugs, or any other benzodiazepine, unless your doctor has decided that the benefits outweigh the risks in your particular situation. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications, vitamins, supplements, and herbal products that youre taking before you start on a benzodiazepine. Some of these can also cause serious interactions. Your doctor may need to change your dose or closely monitor you while taking a benzodiazepine. Some of the other medications, herbs, and foods that can cause interactions with benzos to include: AntidepressantsCertain antifungalsCertain antibioticsCertain calcium channel blockersAntihistaminesCough medicineAnticonvulsantsOther sedativesSt. Johns WortGrapefruit Overdose Potential symptoms of a benzodiazepine overdose include: ConfusionDrowsinessSlurred speechCoordination problemsLosing consciousness (coma)DizzinessWeaknessBlurry visionSlowed or difficult breathingSeizures If you think someone has overdosed on benzodiazepines, call the poison control helpline at 1-800-222-1222 or visit their website for help. However, if the person has fallen down, is having seizures, cant breathe without difficulty, or is unconscious, call 911 to get emergency help. Precautions There are circumstances and conditions in which the use of benzodiazepines should be carefully considered or even avoided. Among them include: Respiratory conditions: If you have an underlying respiratory disorder, you shouldnt use benzos as they may impair your breathing, sometimes critically. Examples of respiratory conditions include bronchitis, sleep apnea, myasthenia gravis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).Pregnancy: Benzodiazepines are classified as either category D drugs, meaning that they may cause harm to an unborn baby and are contraindicated in pregnancy. Let your doctor know if youre pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or if you get pregnant while taking benzodiazepines.Breastfeeding: Benzodiazepines do cross over into breast milk and can cause symptoms in your baby, so they should be avoided if at all possible when youre breastfeeding.Depression and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): If youve been diagnosed with depression or PTSD, you need to be aware that using benzos can create an increased risk of self-harm and suicide, as well as drastic mood changes.Elderly: In anyone aged 65 year s or older, benzodiazepines should be used cautiously and in lower doses due to the increased risk of dependence and increased sensitivity to drug side effects like memory loss, impaired coordination, and loss of cognition.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Developing Type 2 Diabetes For Children And Their Extended...
Key Terms Type 2 Diabetes: Form of diabetes mellitus in which the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to make insulin correctly (Health the Basics, Chapter 12, pg 413). Insulin: Hormone secreted by the pancreas and required by body cells for the uptake and storage of glucose (Health The Basics, Chapter 12, pg412). Glucose: Blood Sugar Introduction This report was commission by the school board of Alpurrulam Public School, in order to improve, aid and support the overall health of our school community. This report will investigate Type 2 Diabetes in secondary students more specifically Indigenous students and their extended families. The report will focus on how vulnerable Indigenous people are to developing Typeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There are some factors that are non-modifiable and create a predisposition to the onset of developing Type 2 Diabetes. These non-modifiable factors include family history, race/ethnicity and age, and cannot be changed by lifestyle choices. Type 2 diabetes is traditionally a late onset disease however it is becoming more frequent to be diagnosed as a young person. Alpurrulamââ¬â¢s student network is made up of 89% Indigenous students alone. ââ¬Å"Indigenous people were three times more likely to be living with Type 2 Diabetes than non-Indigenous peopleâ⬠(Australia Bureau of Statis tics, 2004-05). It is vital for our students to be educated on Type 2 Diabetes because of the high vulnerability of our school population of developing this lifestyle disease. Aims This report; - Investigates modifiable and non-modifiable factors that cause Type 2 Diabetes - Determines how prone Indigenous Australians are to developing Type 2 Diabetes compared to the rest of the population - Determines how susceptible rural living Indigenous Australians are to developing Type 2 Diabetes than those in densely populated areas - Outlines how to manage Type 2 Diabetes - Outlines preventative strategies via education of Type 2 Diabetes in high school Scope In this report the focus will be the nutritional aspects of Type 2 Diabetes, although physical activity is a vital attribute to Type 2 Diabetes it will not be the main focus. This report will determine the modifiable and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Personal Statement on My Pursuing Accounting as a...
I am a senior Accounting major student. I will receive Bachelor of Science- Business degree in May 2014. I am now applying for the graduate degree in Accounting at Clemson University. I transferred to Winthrop University in South Carolina last year through a joint University undergraduate program. I think I have seized the great opportunity in my life to study in USA because USA has high quality education and I am excited to experience different culture. Since this is my second year in USA, I am looking forward to pursuing a graduate degree in Accounting because I have set my short-term and long-term goals. I believe that goals can give me strong motivations and guide me in a right way to pursue them. My short-term goal is toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I am enthusiastic at pursuing graduate degree in Accounting at Clemson University due to several reasons. First, since I have spent two years at Winthrop University in South Carolina, United States, I am kind of familiar with the en vironment in South Carolina. I have been to Greenville and I visited the Clemson University. I am attracted by the fascinating environment and cozy lifestyle in Greenville. Clemson University provides students a beautiful environment. Second, Clemson University offers high quality Accounting courses. I think I can get fundamental and professional knowledge from strict professors not only on books but also their ideas about business. Since I can learn knowledge from excellent professors and I will make efforts to study hard, I will have a better understanding in Accounting. I am confident in passing CPA exams through studying at Clemson University and my hard work. If I can pursue my graduate degree at Clemson University, I may stay in South Carolina for about four years. I am familiar with the environment so that I have more opportunities to find an internship or even a job after graduating from Clemson University. My English can be improved a lot because I can communicate with my p rofessors and friends. Third, from my point view, attending Clemson University will be a stepping-stone for me to achieve my long-term goal. I will have advantage over other people to get a job in foreign-funded company because I graduate from aShow MoreRelatedIt Took Me Three Semesters1646 Words à |à 7 PagesIt took me three semesters in college to declare a major. I decided I wanted to go for Accounting. Ever since I was in elementary school I really enjoyed my math classes, but at that age I didn t quite have a clear idea of where I wanted to go with that. Math has aways been my favorite subject. I always thought about going into a field that required a lot of math or numbers in general . 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Foreign Study Free Essays
Study Confirms Accuracy of UE Leak Detectors * Tags:à ultrasonic inspection UE Systems announces a major step in independently verifying the accuracy of its UE3000 leak detectors to estimate compressed air leak flows. Gary Mohr, President of UE Systems, explains, ââ¬Å"We always felt that our leak detector did a good job estimating the size of air leaks by using our ultrasonic intensity measurement approach. ââ¬Å"But to find out that Air Power USA, one of the most highly regarded and experienced compressed air consulting groups in the country, had taken it upon themselves to run head-to-head comparisons of air flow estimates made using our UE3000 system and Air Powerââ¬â¢s own engineering- and experience-based approach was gratifying. We will write a custom essay sample on Foreign Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Air Powerââ¬â¢s study results concluded the two approaches came within 5 percent of each other in the aggregate estimate of air flows for five different air studies. Having the difference in the size estimate of any individual leak usually fall within 2 cfm is truly amazing and great news for our customers. â⬠Hank van Ormer, president of Air Power USA, explains the unusual effort by his company, ââ¬Å"Over 70 percent of our business is ââ¬Ëperformance-based,ââ¬â¢ which means we only get paid to the extent we deliver energy savings that can be verified by an independent evaluator. As such, we have greatly increased our measurement capabilities so we know which customer projects will produce the payback we need and whether the independent evaluation is on target. ââ¬Å"We have always taken pride in our in-house training for our senior air auditors and air specialists to quantify leak flows. In a number of cases, Air Power has reviewed leak estimates made by our competitors, where we have found that our flow estimates were less than half for the very same leaks. We feel vindicated when the post-project flow measurements associated with those leaks confirm our original estimates. â⬠ââ¬Å"With the UE3000 system, we can now get that same level of accuracy faster and at a lower cost. In addition, the repeatability of the UE3000 flow estimates is an important bonus that provides credibility when we have independent evaluators checking our work. â⬠Information about the UE3000 leak detection system can be obtained from UE Systems Inc. atà à à à à à à à à à à à 800-223-1325à à à à à à à or Info@uesystems. com. Information about Air Powerââ¬â¢s study on Leak Flow Estimation or about its comprehensive consulting services to improve compressed air systems can be obtained from Keith Jenkins atà à à à à à à à à à à à 740-862-4112à à à à à à à orà keith@airpowerusainc. com. How to cite Foreign Study, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Comprares and Contrast the Essays of Hurston and Baldwin free essay sample
Explaining more deep into their problems will help us what they mean. Both writers had different attitudes of life, everyone writing by their own font. Hurston used Italic font to give the readers more emphasis and also increase the intensity of the situation, and Baldwin used Bolded font to give the reader a straight message of society. The poem ââ¬Å"How it feels to be colored me,â⬠if you feel uncertain that Hurston is asserting her pride in her ethnicity, then you have gotten her message! Throughout the essay she points to her feelings of being herself, and individual, much more that she feels a member of a specific race, or ââ¬Å"granddaughter to slaves. â⬠She does mention instances when she ââ¬Å"feels colored,â⬠but her strongest experiences of being fully alive are when she swings down the boulevard in Harlem, charged by the adventure of being young and strong and ââ¬Å"the eternal feminine,â⬠an inner-circle member of the family of humankind. We will write a custom essay sample on Comprares and Contrast the Essays of Hurston and Baldwin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She even states that she does not feel particularly American ââ¬ânothing that specific, even though she was born here- but part of something much greater. That ardor of belonging to the winder world, and being at home in it, is more central to who she is that the labels or culture of any one ethnicity. She also was a fun-lover and optimist towards life and in the other hand Baldwin with the poem The Letter to My Nephewâ⬠has a deeper message that Hurstonââ¬â¢s poem. His main point of his poem was talk about civil movement, and how this is changing the society. Baldwin explains with his own feelings about how all of his family survived in an age that nobody wants to remember because of the hard times that most of the colored people passed through, he has a message that started a bit depressed, but it shows us the hope of everyone and to trust in their own believes. He also trust in his country and teach us how to endure until the hard times ends, he describes this poem aggressively active on race issues. Both poems, everything except the guide at the end are spoken.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Neville Brody Essays - Type Foundries, Communication Design
Neville Brody Neville Brody is an internationally known British graphic designer and typographer, who is best known for his work on magazines, most notably ?The Face.' This magazine transformed the way in which designers and readers approach typography and layout. In addition to his magazine work, he designed record covers for such independent record companies as Fetish, Hannibal, and Phonogram Records in the 1980s. Along with his other work, Brody created a vast amount of type faces throughout his career. A few of these types are Arcadia, Industria, and Insignia. Brody was born in 1957 and grew up in Southgate, which is a suburb of North London. He commented that he does not remember a time in his life when he was planning to do anything other than art or painting. In 1975, Brody attended the Fine Art Foundation Program at Hornsey College of Art. The school was extremely conservative and at this time Brody decided to pursue a career in graphics instead of the Fine Arts. He says why can't you take a painterly approach within a printed medium? In the autumn of 1976, Brody started a three-year BA course in graphics at the London College of Printing. Brody says he hated his time there, but that it was necessary to his development as a designer. I wanted to communicate to as many people as possible, but also to make a popular form of art that was more personal and less manipulative. I had to find out more about how the process worked. The only way possible was to go to college and learn it, His work was often considered too experimental. At one stage he was almost thrown out of the school for putting the Queen's head sideways on the design of a postage stamp. If tutors said they liked something I was doing, I would go away and change it, because suc h approval then made me think there must be something wrong with the work. I think that was a very positive and healthy attitude. Brody's attitude on computers has changed a lot since he first started using them. His view had been that if you could do something by hand, you should not use a machine. In 1987, Brody forced himself to play around with a friend's computer. He says learning to use the Macintosh computer was a slow process. But in the end Brody acquired his skills with the mouse by playing a game called Crystal Quest for hours, instead of working. He realized all the ways that he could manipulate his work on a computer that he absolutely could not have done any other way. Although he still believes that hands on experience is definitely necessary, he realizes that computers open up a whole avenue that would not be possible without their development. Dadaism and pop art have largely influenced Brody's work. Although he says he never sought to copy these styles, he took from them a sense of dynamism and humanism and a non-acceptance of the traditional rules and values of art. These elements can be seen in Brody's typefaces, which are have a very original and expressive design. All along the line, Neville Brody has tried to create and use typefaces that go against the grain of contemporary fashion. Others that have influenced Brody are Man Ray and Lazlo Maholy-Lazlo's photography. Both of these men were able to stretch the limits of their fields, by inventing and manipulating techniques as never before. After his graduation, in the late 1970s, Brody began to design record covers for British punk music companies such as Fetish and Hannibal. The punk music scene then was more concerned with the ideas behind the music than with the actual music. Brody's outrageous cover designs were readily accepted by these companies. Cabaret Voltaire and 23 Skiddo were two bands that he worked extensively for on album covers. In 1981, Brody began working for a magazine called ?The Face.' During this time he questioned the traditional structure of magazine design. Why be inhibited by the edges of the page?says Brody. His main concerns were to encourage people to have to look twice at a page and to make the magazine as visually interesting as possible. Brody worked at
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Hearing Life in a Deaf World.
Hearing Life in a Deaf World. "Was it weird growing up having deaf parents?" "Why aren't you deaf?" "How did you learn how to talk?" "Can your parents talk?" "Is it quiet in you house?" "How do they use the phone?" When most people find that my parents are both hearing impaired, their first reaction is to automatically have sympathy for me due to this perceived disadvantage. Although I have come across the inventible obstacles, I don't view the situation as a problem, only as an opportunity that God has placed in my life for a purpose.At an early age I learned what it meant to appreciate all that was given to me. Gifts which many take for granted I cherish. From all of the so-called "hardships" that I have endured, somehow I have developed not only an open mind, but also an open heart. Exposure to dealing with this professed disability has given me the ability to see beyond that which the populace generally sees.090720-1100314"Perfect" people who lead "perfect" lives often make judgments on others. I consider tha t a more critical disability than countless physical impairments. Becoming conscious of how people react to my parents has enabled me to distinguish how much of a deficit first impressions can be. Not only has this bestowed a unique opportunity to have a lucid, understanding perspective of the lives and community of the deaf, but it has also made me become a compassionate, empathic person towards everyone. Although I am by no means perfect, this experience has helped shed light on the world in general.No, it wasn't weird growing up having deaf parents, and still isn't. Hearing impairment is not always genetic. My parents taught me how to speak. Yes, my parents are able to speak, just not very clearly. My household is actually...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
Art History - Essay Example Herein, it should be noted that criteria of Claire Bishop, Jacques Rancià ©re, and Willi Bongard will be applied in this paper to assess the position of Tracy Emin. As a matter of fact, various research works have been carried out in order to assess the impact that artists have made on the art market. At the same time, art market has been greatly impacted by demand of quality. It is due to this reason that a number of viewpoints were inhibited to assess and judge art work. Thus, the subjective nature of judgments is further questioned as far as dematerialization of arts is concerned. At this point, Claire Bishopââ¬â¢s criterion rather helps in judging a work to be good in the contemporary arts. Claire Bishop stated that any art work can be considered as good if only it tends to follow roots of aesthetics and it allows enough space that can help one argue and question. In addition, Claire Bishop also marked that a good work creates a hope for development anew. Claire Bishop, who is a well-known curator and art critic, maintains the viewpoint that art rather became a collaborative practice for most of the artist in the beginning of 20th century. It was the era when communism collapsed from the society. At this point, there was little or no difference between art and society itself. The criterion of Claire Bishop notes that there are two significant wings of art revolution. Firstly, it is the painting and sculpture that is being created for the need of art market while on the other hand; there are creative artists of the modern world who are able to undertake radical work. Bishop has been observed to call modern artists to be avante-garde. As per the analysis of Claire Bishop of a good art work, it comes to understanding that an art work needs to be defined within the context of aesthetes. In this case, Tracy Emin can notably regard as a generator of good art. It is because her artistic works
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Proctor and Gamble. Should Proctor & Gamble expand into the Chinese Research Paper
Proctor and Gamble. Should Proctor & Gamble expand into the Chinese market How should they expand and what problems could they face - Research Paper Example Over the years, Proctor and Gamble has grown and continued to expand in terms of the subsidiaries that the company has. Further the profits of the company have been increasing over time and this has the company ranked severally on the Fortune Magazineââ¬â¢s list of the Most Admired Companies Worldwide. The structure of the company is in such a manner that there are global benefits in more than 180 countries where the brands of Proctor and Gamble are sold. The global network that Proctor and Gamble has managed to establish over the years works to their advantage in the sense that in the event that the company wants to expand, it becomes less challenging having built a name for itself worldwide. When considering expanding to China there are some factors that Proctor and Gamble may want to put into perspective. The first and most obvious factor is the competition that the company is likely to face from companies such as Johnsons and Johnsons and Unilever (Cunningham, 1981). It is important to remember that China is one of the fastest growing economies the world over and expanding to such an economy would be an opportunity for the company to amass massive income and high profits. Even though a company like Johnsons and Johnsons which offers similar products as Proctor and Gamble has already established itself in China, Proctor and Gamble still has a chance to enter into the Chinese market and become one of the most successful companies worldwide in the provision of consumer products. Proctor actually did manage to enter the Chinese market and despite the fierce competition it has constantly faced from its rival companies such as Unilever and Johnson and Johnsons, Proctor and Gamble has managed to create a niche for itself not only in the Chinese market but the in all other parts of the world where her brands are sold. This discussion will thus consider the various options for a entering a new market and Proctor and Gamble may have considered and the one they
Monday, January 27, 2020
Factors that Influence Police Discretion
Factors that Influence Police Discretion 1) What is discretion? Name and describe the factors that may influence an individual officers discretion in making decisions involving a criminal suspect. (6 pts) Discretion is the exercise of choice by law enforcement officers in the decision to investigate or apprehend the disposition of suspects, the carrying out of official duties, and the application of sanctions. The cops have the power to decide whether to act depending on the judgment they feel they must make. In some situations certain people are not handled as strictly as others (an example would be if someone was to get pulled over for speeding and they get a ticket for something else). Studies of police discretion have found that a number of factors influence the discretionary decisions of the individual officers: 1. The Background of the officers Law enforcement officers bring to the job all their previous life experiences. Family values such as socialization through the family as well as attitudes that influence the decision of the officer. If an officer has learned prejudice against certain ethnic groups for example, this is likely to influence the decision an officer will make. 2. Characteristics of the suspect Demeanor, style of dress and grooming may influence police discretion. Poorly groomed suspects can expect less respectful treatment. Some officers treat men and woman differently. Very rarely will an officer arrest a woman. Another characteristic would be the personal style of the individual or group. Examples would be bikers attire or people with outlandish haircuts are more likely to be arrested than someone with a professional haircut. 3. Department Policy- This is not entirely subject to control by official policy, but can influence it. If a department has targeted certain kinds of offenses or if supervisors adhere to strict enforcement guidelines and closely monitor dispatches and other communications, the discretionary release of suspects will be quite rare. 4. Community Interest- Public attitudes toward certain crimes will increase the likelihood of arrest for suspected offenders. Contemporary attitudes toward crimes involving children- including sex abuse, sale of drugs to minors, domestic violence involving children and child pornography- have all lead to increased and strict enforcement of laws. Once the community has voiced its concern over the problem, the police respond with a series of highly effective arrests. The departments that require a police officer to live in the area that he/she patrols make them more aware of the effects of crime on the community and they respond better than a person who doesnt live in their district. 5. Pressure from Victims- When victims refuse to file a complaint are usually associated with certain crimes such as spousal abuse. When victims refuse to cooperate with the police, there is often little that can be done. On the other hand, some victims are local in insisting in the victimization and can easily be dealt with. Victim-assistance groups have sought to keep pressure on police departments and individual instigators to ensure the arrest and prosecution of suspects. 6. Disagreement with the law- Some laws lack an unpopular consensus. Some of the laws that deal with victimless offenses are gambling, homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution and drug use. Some laws are not even in certain jurisdictions. Unpopular laws are not likely to bring much attention from law enforcement officers. If an arrest were to occur, it could be because an officer digs deeper into his/her investigation and reveals something more serious about the crime. 2) Name and describe the four historical eras of policing as discussed in the book. (4 pts) The four historical eras (epochs), are distinguishable by the relative dominance of a particular approach to police operations. They are the political era, reform era, the community policing era, and the homeland security era. 1. Political Era The first period, the political era, was characterized by close ties between police and public officials. It began in 1840 and ended around 1930s. Throughout the period, American police agencies tended to serve the interest of powerful politicians first, and providing public-order services almost as an afterthought. 2. Reform Era- The second period, the reform ear, began in the 1930s and lasted until the 1970s. It was characterized by pride in professional crime fighting. Police departments focused more on solving traditional crimes, such as murder, rape, burglary, and focusing on capturing offenders. 3. The Community Policing Era The third period, and the one that characterizes much of policing in America today, is the community policing era. This era started in the 1970s and is still present today. This was an approach to policing that stresses the service role of police officers and envisions a partnership between police agencies and their communities. Agencies focused on the service role of police officers. 4. Policing to Secure the Homeland Era The fourth period, policing to secure the homeland era, is quite new and continues to evolve. This era grew with national concerns with terrorism prevention born of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In this era agencies focused on causes of crime outside of the immediate community (country). 3) What are the dangers of police work? What can be done to reduce those dangers? (5 pts) Some dangers of police work include: violence in the line of duty, risk of disease and infected evidence, and stress and fatigue among police officers. 1. Violence in the line of duty In 2007, 188 American law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. These officers were kind-hearted, and laid back, and well liked in the community. 2. Risk of disease and infected evidence -Routine criminal and accident investigations hold the potential for infection through transmission of evidence. 3. Stress and fatigue among police officers Traumatic events, like hurricanes, terrorist attacks, and violent confrontations are instantly stressful. These can affect police officers long term. Diet and exercise can decrease stress and fatigue, along with getting more sleep and taking care of their body. 4) What ethnic and gender differences characterize policing today? What is the social significance of this diversity? (5 pts) Today many departments have dramatically increased their complement of officers from unrepresented groups. There are not as many African American officers or other ethnic officers compared to white (Caucasian) officers in the field. Although ethnic minorities are now employed in policing in significant numbers, women are still significantly underrepresented. The 2001 Status of woman in policing survey conducted that woman fill only 12.7% of all sworn law enforcement positions nationwide The social significance of this diversity is that woman and African Americans and other ethnic groups will actually benefit the policing departments making them better, well-rounded officers, it would help the discrimination of particular ethnic or sexual groups. 5) Be able to explain the ruling of each of the following cases and what area of policing the ruling affected (ex: search and seizure, arrest, interrogation, etc) (10 pts) A) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) b) Aguilar v. TX (1964) c) Escobedo v. IL (1964) d) Miranda v. AZ (1966) e) Harris v. US (1968) f) Weeks v. US (1914) g) US v. Leon (1984) h) US v. Borchardt (1987) i) Kyllo v. US (2001) j) US v. Grubbs (2006) A. Mapp V. Ohio (1961) This case was decided to change the face of American law enforcement forever, made the exclusionary rule applicable to criminal prosecutions at the same level beginning with the now- famous Mapp case; the Warren Court charted a course that would guarantee nationwide recognition of individual rights as it understood them, by agencies at all levels of the criminal justice system. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) B. Aguilar V. TX (1964) -The case of paid informants. The case of Aguilar v. Texas clarified the use of informants and established a two-pronged test. The US court ruled that informant information could establish probable cause if both of the following criteria are met. 1. The source of the informants information is made clear, and 2. The police officer has a reasonable belief that the informant is reliable. The two-pronged test was intended to prevent the issuance of warrants on the basis of false or fabricated info. (Schmallenger, Frank, 2010). (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) C. Escobedo v. IL (1964) -In the case of Escobedo vs. Illinois, the right to have legal counsel present during police interrogation was recognized. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) D. Miranda v AZ (1966) -This case established the well-known Miranda Warnings. In this case involving Enesto Miranda, who was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, and was accused of having kidnapped and raped a woman. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Interrogation) E. Harris v US (1968) Police officers have the opportunity to begin investigations or to confiscate evidence, without a warrant based on what they find in plain-view and open to public inspection. The plan-view doctrine was succinctly stated in the US Supreme court case of Harris v. US. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) F. Weeks v US (1914) Freemont Weeks was suspected of using US mail to sell lottery tickets, which is a federal crime. Weeks was arrested and feral agents went into his home to conduct a search. They had no search warrant. They confiscated many items for evidence as well as the suspects personal possessions, including clothes, books, papers, and even candy. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) G. US v Leon (1984) In the 1984 case of US v Leon, the court recognized what has come to be called the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Search and Seizure) H. US v Borchardt (1987) The case of Us v. Borchardt, decided by the 5th circuit court of Appeals, held that Ira Eugene Borchardt could be prosecuted for heroin uncovered during medical treatment, even though the defendant had objected to the treatment. Because of this case guidelines for conducting emergency warrantless searches of individuals came into effect, and in order to use evidence against an offender in a warrantless search certain criteria has to be met. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) I. Kyllo v Us (2001) This case set the standard on how technology can be used to the police based on the results of a warrantless search conducted by officers using a thermal-imaging device to detect if his housing was giving off more heat than the other houses, investigators applied for a search warrant for Kyllos home. (The area of policing the ruling affected: Arrest) J. US v Grubbs (2006) -The constitutionality of Anticipatory warrants was affirmed in 2006, in the US Supreme court Case of US v. Grubbs.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Effects of Memory and Learning
Can we really learn from our mistakes? If so, how does that actually happen? Knowledge and education has helped create connections with everything that we see in society. We call these connections that have formed our memories, both good and bad. Psychologists have researched and gathered information on the creation or formation of memories and learned behaviors. Furthermore, psychologists have provided ample information on how memories can affect the education of students or people looking to learn something new.Therefore, it is through the increase attention to the ways the mind is able to obtain memories and information that can essentially help us decrease our mistakes. Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin developed a three-step model that details on how the brain is able to process and develop memories. All memories are created through the fleeting sensory memory before it is encoded into a short-term memory so that it can be continually rehearsed before it is translated into a long-term memory (Meyers, 2011).Basically Atkinson and Shiffrinââ¬â¢s theory is based on the idea that the mind can only retain information that is consciously received; however the modified version offered by Meyers (2011) presents a much different idea. According to Meyers the mind still translates incoming information into a sensory memory (Meyers 2011). The second step to this modified version still claims the encoding of the sensory memory into a working memory. This working memory concentrates on the encoding and active processing of current immediate stimuli (Meyers, 2011).Over time the information is rehearsed and turned into a long-term memory. The great thing about the working memory concept is that it associates new and old information and solves problems so that we are able to handle all situations that we engage in. So what factors and behaviors increase memory retention? To begin most information is encountered and retained through the act of rehearsing, or conscio us repetition (Meyers, 2011).Techniques and habits that have been proven to be successful through research has shown that prolonged exposure to the spacing effect, self-assessment, and serial position effect increases the individualââ¬â¢s ability to retain information much better than a person cramming last minute (Meyers, 2011). By providing a proper methodical and organized way to engage in new information a person gives the mind enough time to recall the information consistently for several years. Aside from rehearsing our mids are able to respond to encoding through multiple ways.Practicing the ability to form mental pictures, or imagery, helps build the minds ability to associate pictures and words (Meyers, 2011). A foundational element used from the beginning of time. Young children usually point to items in a home or outside and name the item they see according to what the teachers or parents say. Imagery is used by mnemonic devices in order to develop the retention and re call of memorized information via passages or speeches used by some of the best public platform speakers (Meyers, 2011).Through the use of imagery and mnemonic devices our minds are able to form a meaning to what we are trying to convey and ultimately we are able to organize and catalogue what we have learned within our memory. Understanding what factors and behaviors gives into the creation of our memory we as people and students are able to understand how teachers and psychologists are able to train our minds for further retention and absorption of information. Often at times failure seems to be the very thing that we learn from. It is from our parents and grandparents that we have heard the old trite adage ââ¬Å"We learn from experience. It wasnââ¬â¢t until psychologists and educators came together to propose the testing effect. The ââ¬Å"test effectâ⬠is essentially a well-established psychological phenomenon that proves that testing students on previously absorbed inf ormation allows for them to increase their retention of material opposed to the continual studying of materials (Roedlger III & Finn, 2010). Henry Roedlger III and Bridgid Finn quote several studies from several psychologists in which state, ââ¬Å"students who make an unsuccessful attempt to answer a test question before receiving the correct answers remember the material better than if they simply study the information. (Roedlger III & Finn, 2010) This ââ¬Å"testing effectâ⬠logic help students retain information in the pretesting stage by making them mentally engage in the attempt to answer the question by increasing the memorization of the information provided. Furthermore, the challenges presented to the students increase their focus, reduce their fear and engage their minds on a deeper level so that retention is at a maximum. Teachers, psychologists, and other professionals have all tried their best to figure out the best methods for learning and retention. By far the be st ould be known by the acronym SQ3R, also known as Survey, Question, Read, Rehearse, Review, is the five step plan that is known to increase the learning and retention for all in a controlled manner opposed to short term cramming session. With this method one can easily correct previous damaging studying habits with ones that are positive and more beneficial. By surveying the current study material by scanning headings and make note of how the chapter is organized can organize the way the mind is able to map out the best way to handle the new incoming information (Meyers, 2011).After surveying the information the student must form their own questions to answer based on the heading or preview question this can be as simple as, ââ¬Å"How can I most effectively and efficiently master the information in this book? â⬠(Meyers, 2011) By using a slow and methodical approach to the reading the chapter the student will find the answer to their question and maximize the retention of in formation. Engaging in active reading means that the student must also take notes and ask additional questions that will help with the learning process (Meyers, 2011).Each step that the student takes increases his or her information flow after the active reading has taken place it is best that the person rehearses the information that they have learned in order to engage the memory (Meyers, 2011). Anything that causes an issue during the rehearsal of information the person must review the information so that they are able to recall at a later time (Meyers, 2011). The final step in the plan is the review all information read and gathered during the first four steps, paying particular attention to the way the chapter is organized (Meyers, 2011).The SQ3R method is particularly adaptable and useful in the pretesting stage. According to research done by Henry L Roedlger III and Bridgid Finn (2010) in the article The Pulses of Getting it Wrong states that students who memorized questions from the test but failed to get the correct answer had a higher chance of passing the same question on the real test. So to increase material retention the student can easily focus on the questions given on the pretest as their guide to the information needed.Once the questions are in hand the student can locate the chapter, read the information, and return to the question and recall the proper information (Roedlger III & Finn, 2010). It is suggested that the student should return to the question every few days in order to drum up a recall on the answers, by doing so the student will have learned the material in a methodical and slow manner (Roedlger III & Finn, 2010). By practicing a simplified adaptable version of SQ3R the student or person will be able to recall the same information long after the course has ended.Our ability to increase the retention of new materials via SQ3R, testing effect or the varied ways that we naturally gather information infinitely increases our ability to formulate new memories. Educators and psychologists have devised new ways that help students increase their learning potentials both in and out of the classrooms. By setting a firm and steady memory creating foundation, the newly acquired learning retention potentials extends throughout the personââ¬â¢s life.Thus by increasing focus, research and installation of modified or new techniques by psychologists prove that we are able to learn from our mistakes or mistakes of others by creating memories that become a point of reference. All point of references, or memories, that we personally return to in time of inflection or reflection in order to gain information or advice as to why we should learn from the mistakes that we have made. References Finn, H. R. (2010, March/April). The Pluses of Getting it Wrong. Scientific American Mind, pp. 38-41. Meyers, D. (2011). Exploring Psychology. Holland: Worth Publishers.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Nairobi Securities Exchange
Investors use earning information to calculate the level of cost of equity capital. The cost of equity for a firm is computed by adding up the risk free rate and a premium for exposure to systematic risk as follows: Cost of equity = Risk-free rate + (risk measure) x (Market risk premium) 1.4 Nairobi Securities Exchange The Nairobi Securities Exchange offers a trading platform for both the local and international investors who are looking to gain exposure to Kenya and Africa's economic growth. NSE play a critical role in the growth of Kenya's economy by encouraging savings and investment by helping local and international companies access cost-effective capital. NSE is regulated by the Capital Markets Authority of Kenya. CMA approves public listing and fosters investor's confidence by ensuring rules, regulations and requirements for trade are complied with and market integrity is sustained in order to guarantee orderly, fair and efficient markets (CMA, 2016). CMA retains investor's confidence by ensuring rules, regulations and requirements for trade are complied with and market integrity is maintained. CMA also plays an important responsibility of mobilization and allocation of capital resources in the economy in order to provide incentives for long term investments (NSE, 2016) In Kenya, listed firms are required to produce quarterly, semi-financial statements and audited annual reports. Financial statements are prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and audited using International Standards on Auditing (ISA). The CMA guidelines encourage firms to disclose additional information on director and management remuneration (CMA, 2016). The performance of the NSE is an indication as to whether the investors have trust in the safety of their investment, trading goes down significantly with low investor's confidence.NSE is categorized into three different market segments namely the Main Investment Markets (MIMS), the Alternative Investment Markets (AIMS) and the Fixed Income Securities Market Segment (FISMS). According to CMA (2017) as at December 2017, listed companies at the NSE were 64, categorized into 11 sectors namely: Agricultural sectors, Automobiles and Accessories sector, Banking sector, Commercial and Services sector, Construction and Allied sector, Energy and Petroleum sector, Insurance sector, Investment sectors, Manufacturing and Allied sector, Telecommunication and Technology sector and Growth and Enterprise Market Segment sector Banking sector is the largest sector represented with 18% of the total firms listed at the NSE, second is commercial and Services sector and Manufacturing and Allied with 15% each, Agricultural sector which is one of the country major economic sector is represented by 11% of the total firms quoted. Telecommunication and Technology and Growth and Enterprises Market sectors were the lowest each with 2% of the total firms quoted. Through NSE, disclosures have had an impact on how investors trade, when the level of disclosure is high, investors confidence increases hence higher level of trading. The CMA guidelines encourage firms to disclose additional information on director and management remuneration (CMA, 2016). The performance of the NSE is an indication as to whether the investors have trust in the safety of their investment, trading goes down significantly with low investor's confidence.1.5 Statement of the Problem Inherent shortcomings of traditional reporting have prompted development of voluntary disclosure models. Transparency and disclosure creates and sustains confidence of investors, stakeholders and the winder society and provides opportunity for continuous improvement of business structure and processes. Corporate governance is currently an area broadly being researched on by many scholars, due to increased application of corporate governance practices all over the world after major corporate scandals due to lack or improper disclosure. This study targets one pillar of corporate governance on the cost of equity capital, which is voluntary disclosure. Disclosed information provides a signal with an aim of revealing the state of a company to the investors for consideration in investment activities. Information has important and vital role, information should be understandable, complete, accurate, timely and reliable (Fahdiansyah, 2013). Information is considered informative if it is relevant and can change stakeholder's belief and gives confidence to investors. Annual reports are important tools in communicating essential information about a company both financial and non financial information (Barako, 2007). The key drivers of corporate value in critical areas of the business are not reported under the traditional accounting model, as such theorist and researchers have begun to develop models for additional voluntary information disclosure. The concept of voluntary disclosure has been growing given the needs to keep with the clients expectations. Investors and clients have challenged companies on the need to provide more than what is required by the law and regulations. In Kenya, investors obtain essential information regarding trading activities of listed companies in NSE through their annual reports and other bulletins from CMA. Studies done in Kenya context include a study Mwangi and Mwiti (2015) investigated the impact of voluntary disclosure on stock performance, Mutiva (2015) examined the effect of voluntary disclosures on financial performance of firms quoted at NSE, Lopokoiyit (2012) investigated the effect of the corporate governance practices on share prices of companies listed at the NSE, these studies found a direct relationship between voluntary disclosure and company performance. Study by Asava (2013) investigated the effect of voluntary disclosure on stock returns of listed companies, her study reveals that there was no correlation between voluntary disclosure and stock returns. Barako (2007) in his study of determinants of voluntary disclosure in Kenyan listed company's' annual reports, observed that companies cannot link their board disclosure, foreign ownership and firm size significantly affect financial performance. Studies by Diamond and Verrecchia (1991), Botoan (1997), Hail (2002), Botosan and Plumlee (2002), Richard and welker (2001) and Lopes and Alencar (2008), shows a negative association between voluntary disclosure and the cost of equity capital using direct approach. However these studies were done in developed economies with few studies done in the context of developing nations, these studies tested the association between voluntary disclosure and several aspects such as profitability (Verracchia and Webber, 2006) stock liquidity. However most of these literatures are leaning more on factors that influence the extent of voluntary disclosure. Literatures from previous studies conducted locally have skewed more to factors that influence extent of voluntary disclosures with few on the effect of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital on firms listed in NSE, the motivation of this research is developed by the fact that majority of past research have given conflicting arguments creating a dilemma that necessitates further research on the effect of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital of firms in Kenya. 1.6 Objective of the study The general objective of this study is to examine the effects of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity of capital. The following are the specific objectives.i). To examine the effect of forward-looking information voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital.ii). To determine the effect of financial information voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital.iii). To evaluate the effect of corporate social responsibility information voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital. iv). To establish the effect of Board information voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital. 1.7 Research question The study will be guided by the following research questions.i. What if the effect of forward-looking information disclosure on the cost of equity capital?ii. What is the effect of financial information disclosure on the cost of equity capital? iii. What is the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility information disclosure on the cost of equity capital? iv. What is the effect of Board Size information disclosure on the cost of equity capital? 1.8 Significance of the study Voluntary disclosures provide an extra way for investors to judge a company's performance. This study will therefore enable the investors to make better investment decisions and better capital allocations. It will also emphasize on increased transparency which reduces information asymmetry that may exist between the investors and the management team. This study will likewise extend the literature on voluntary disclosure to academicians. The study will also help listed and unlisted companies in Kenya in understanding the role of voluntary disclosure in the management of their firms with aim to reduce cost of its equity capital.CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 IntroductionsThis chapter introduces theories that explain the subject of voluntary disclosure and past empirical studies relating to the variables under the study.2.2 Theoretical ReviewReporting and disclosure are the most important tools that companies use to communicate with interest-related parties. Several theories have been documented to relate voluntary disclosure. They are Agency theory, Capital Need theory, Signaling theory and Stakeholder theory. Literature review presents theories about the subject of voluntary disclosure. 2.2.1 Agency TheoryAgency theory was developed by Jensen and Meckling in 1976 who defined agency relationship as a contract under which one or more persons delegate decision making authority to another person to perform some services on their behalf. Agency theory explores the relationship between a principal and an agent. In the context of a company, the manager (agent) acts on behalf of the shareholder (Principal). Company owners empower managers to make decisions on their behalf. Shareholders do not actively participate in the management of their investments instead they engage managers to act on their behalf. This makes managers have information advantage hence creating incentive to maximize their own value as opposed to that of the shareholders. Scott (2012) stated that the application of agency theory is used to explain the conflict of interest between managers and investors. The agency problem arises due to conflict of interest between the investors and management because their goals are not in agreement. Agency theory is concerned with solving two problems arising in the agency relationship: an agency problem arises when there is a conflict between the goals of the principal and that of the agent making it difficult for the principal to accurately evaluate and determine the value of decision made by the agent. Secondly problem of risk sharing arising from diverse attitude of the principal and the agent towards risk, the problem is each tends to select a different action when the risk happens (Depoers, 2000). One way in which agency problem can be minimized is by means of contract, it helps in bringing shareholders interest in line with managers' interests (Healy and Palepu, 2001).These contracts require management to disclose relevant information to investors and to creditors. Consequently principal can check if the management complied with the contract agreements and evaluate if their decisions are in alliance with their interest, monitoring managers by mean of contract comes with a cost at the expense of manager's compensation and in order to reduce any potential conflict, principals incur monitoring costs while agents incur bonding costs which guarantees the interest of the principal is prioritized. Agency costs are the total of monitoring costs, bonding costs and residual loss. According to agency theory, disclosing information voluntary is viewed as a better mechanism of mitigating the agency problem between the agents and principals (Hawashe, 2014). Managers who posses private information about a firm are able to use their information they posses to make credible and reliable communication to interested parties to optimize the value of the firm (Barako, 2007), these disclosure may include investment opportunity and financing policy of a company, however managers who pursue their own interest may fail to make proper information disclosure. Managers increases the level of voluntary information which is expected to reduce the agency cost (Barako et al., 2006) and also to convince the external users that managers are acting in an optimal way (Watson et al., 2002). OCED (2004) states that a strong disclosure policy is one of the expected monitoring forms that is useful as a basis of adequate information for investment decision making by investors. 2.2.2 Capital Need TheoryThe main aim any company is to attract external finance to increase their capital either through debt or equity, however companies are disclosing more information voluntary as a measures of minimizing costs of raising its capital. The capital need theory can help to explain the reasons behind the disclosure
Friday, January 3, 2020
A Character Analysis of Old Man Warner in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 577 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Lottery Essay Did you like this example? The personality of Old Man Warner is constructed over the communitys unwillingness to abandon traditions at all costs. Shirley Jackson portrays Old Man Warner as an individual who has traditions instilled in him to a fault. Throughout the story, Old Man Warner is constantly at odds with the younger community members who start questioning the point of such a lottery. Jackson reveals through Old Man Warners personality that he is deeply traditional, resistant to change and is at times illogical and/or delusional. Jacksons description of the setting in The Lottery shows a town that relies heavily on the custom of having a yearly lottery. An example of reliance is how the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town (Jackson 391). This shows that Old Man Warner has been raised into believing that the lottery has a significant role in society. The town still dons the same box it has and is reluctant to change the box in fear of upsetting anyone. A prime example of this is: Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box (Jackson 391). This again shows how the past has affected the towns beliefs, consequently having a major impact on Old Man Warners personality. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Character Analysis of Old Man Warner in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery" essay for you Create order Another personality trait of Old Man Warner is that he is illogical and/or delusional at times. Jackson shows this with Old Man Warners responses to the younger villagers wanting to abandon the lottery. A quote that demonstrates is when Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next to him, that over in the north village theyre talking of giving up the lottery (Jackson 393). An equally important quote is also, Old Man Warners response pack of crazy fools (Jackson 393). This shows his inability to function rationally and reveals how deeply rooted not only Old Man warner is but the entire community. Another piece of strong evidence suggests Old Man Warner was delusional is his full belief that the lottery had a direct effect on the villagers lives. Additionally, Jackson shows how in-depth Old Man Warners reliance on old deeply rooted traditions is to a fault. Jackson demonstrates this by displaying his fears of abandoning the lottery. Jackson shows extensively that Old Man Warner is afraid of change with his quotes. An excellent example of his fear of change is the quote: There has always been a lottery (Jackson 393). Another equally important example is his quote: The lottery in June, corn be heavy soon (Jackson 393). The author demonstrated by Old Man Warner that a community is so enthralled with traditions that they refuse to change regardless of outcomes. Jackson with the setting of the story was able to demonstrate not only how Old Man Warner was, but how the older community in the village was. The village had a common theme of fear of change and a community stuck in the past. The quotes from Old Man Warner indicate that he is stuck in an illogical past where he is resistant to change regardless of the outcomes. Jackson demonstrated the personality of Old Man Warner in an exceptional way. The Lottery is an exciting work of literature overall, with deep undertones. Work Cited Jackson, Shirley. The Lottery. The Art of the Short Story, by Dana Gioia and R. S. Gwynn, Pearson Longman, 2006, pp. 390 396.
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